Growing up on a farm nestled in the hills of the Peak District, I've always had a love for nature, magical places, and the stories they tell. I discovered Photography in my teenage years and it quickly became my chosen medium for storytelling and creativity. After losing my hair to alopecia, I found comfort in self portraits and uploading them to Flickr. My visual journal entries unexpectedly gained popularity and I became the third most followed person on Flickr, after NASA and The White House. The support and encouragement of the online Photography community inspired me to become a full-time Photographer and Digital Artist. I've now worked with household brands such as Microsoft, Canon, Spotify, and Disney, shooting both private and commercial campaigns, and working personally with brands I love on social media. I still love the shooting self portraits that gave me a sense of belonging and identity, and journaling the goings-on in my life. Photography and storytelling is my closest companion, and I hope it will help see me through the chapters of my life to come.